Horoscopul zilei

(20 Ianuarie - 18 Februarie)


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Cultura generala

India ocupa in lume locul 2 ca numar de locuitori (in 2021 erau estimati 1.379.860.000 de locuitori).

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Bancul zilei

Intr-un parc, un copil se juca de zor cu un caine. Trece pe langa el un barbat si il intreaba:
- Cainele tau musca?
- Nu nenea, nu musca!
Barbatul se apropie de caine si incearca sa-l mangaie, iar acesta il musca.
- Dar parca spuneai ca nu musca!
- Nenea, cainele meu nu musca. Asta este al vecinului!

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Evaluare Nationala | Bacalaureat | Subiecte Examen | Forum | Arhiva | Referate

home : Invatamant : Subiecte_date_la_examen : Bacalaureat : Subiecte Bac 2005


Limba engleza 3-4 ore - subiect - sesiunea I proba E varianta 1

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Sesiunea iunie - iulie 2005 Varianta 1
- Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu.
- Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.

SUBJECT 1 30 points
a. Read the text below and, in one sentence, write down its central idea: 5 points
Monday March 2nd My mother has just come into my room and said she had something awful to tell me. I sat up in bed and put a dead serious expression on my face just in case she'd got six months to live or she'd been caught shoplifting or something. She fiddled with the curtains, dropped cigarette ash all over my Concorde model and started mumbling on about 'adult relationships' and 'life being complicated' and how she must 'find herself'. She said she was fond of me. Fond!!! And would hate to hurt me. And then she said that for some women marriage was like being in prison. Then she went out.
Marriage is nothing like being in prison! Women are let out every day to go to the shops and stuff, and quite a lot go to work. I think my mother is being a bit melodramatic.
Sunday March 8th
My mother has gone to a woman's workshop on assertiveness training1. Men aren't allowed. I asked my father what 'assertiveness training' is. He said 'God knows, but whatever it is, it's bad news for me'. We had boil-in-the-bag cod in butter sauce and oven-cooked chips for Sunday dinner, followed by tinned peaches and Dream-topping. My father opened a bottle of white wine and let me have some.
We watched a film on television, then my mother came home and started bossing us around. She said, 'The worm has turned', and 'Things are going to be different around here', and things like that. Then she went into the kitchen and started making a chart dividing all the housework into three. I pointed out to her that I already had a paper round2 to do, an old age pensioner to look after and a dog to feed, as well as my school work, but she didn't listen, she put the chart on the wall and said 'We start tomorrow'.
(Sue Townsend, The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13 3/4)
1. a course of lessons taken by someone to teach them how to express their opinions and make known their wishes
2. a job, usually done by children, delivering newspapers to a group of houses
b. In about 250 words / 25 lines, comment upon the text above referring to:
- the child's thoughts and concerns;
- how the child's mother related to her family before and after the course;
- the role of the diary as a form of expression. 25 points

SUBJECT 2 30 points
a. Translate into English: 10 points
Camelia se multumi sa priveasca agitatia New York-ului si se surprinse constatand ca nu-i lipsise catusi de putin. Privea totul cu o detasare pe care nu si-o recunostea. Taxiul porni si ea simti ca, o data cu acel avion lasat în urma, India se retragea din viata ei pentru totdeauna. Dupa un timp ajunsera în dreptul cladirii în care locuia. Portarul o recunoscu prin geam si se repezi sa îi deschida usa taxiului, ceea ce îl lasa pe jamaican cu gura cascata.
(Al. Raducanu, Alchimista)
b. Rephrase the following sentences, so that the meaning stays the same: 10 points
1. He invited her to a fashionable restaurant. He also bought her a magnificent diamond ring.
Not only ...................................................... .
2. The inquiry recommended fitting smoke hoods into aeroplanes.
The inquiry recommended that .......................................... .
3. I strongly doubt that the letter has been sent.
The letter ....................................... .
4. John retired as soon as he had been informed he would get a full pension.
On .................................................................... .
5. A good mechanic has just repaired my car.
I have...................................................... .
c. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase: 10 points
1. I hope that by the end of the month ..................... all the rooms.
2. The teacher made every ..................... the answer.
3. No matter how clever he is, he has no right to.................on other people.
4. If she had taken my advice, .......................... now.
5. I can't ........... wearing these glasses; I'll have to change them by all means!

SUBJECT 3 30 points
Write a five-paragraph story that begins with the words:
A long, long time ago, in a remote kingdom, two little girls were born, one at the palace, the other one in the village.
(about 300 words / 30 lines)